Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum

Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum (RMNF) is an established and very active neighbourhood forum organised by Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum.

We are working with the RMNF to develop consistent approaches to a wide variety of issues and the RMNF is taking the lead in seeking further protection for the historic Cotton Famine Road, part of which runs through our own neighbourhood area.

Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum is established as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) for the public benefit without distinction of ability, sex, sexual orientation, race or political, religious or other opinions for the following purposes in the area of benefit:

  • To promote high standards of planning and architecture in or affecting the area of benefit
  • To educate the public in the geography, history, natural history, culture and architecture of the area of benefit, and
  • To secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features or areas of historic or public interest in the area of benefit
  • In furtherance of the above objects but not otherwise the trustees shall have the power to establish a neighbourhood forum for the area of benefit to promote and or improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area.

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